Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Coming-Out Day! I'm over it.

Hi! Happy Coming-Out Day! Here's why I think it's sort of pointless.

Everyone is a little gay and a little straight. We exist on a sexual spectrum wherein even the most masculine, lady-loving men can be attracted to the odd male now and again. Now, whether or not they can admit that is something altogether different, and deserves a post all its own.

There's no point in essentializing sexuality because the world isn't black and white the way we'd like it to be. Individual people are a complicated mess of intersecting identities, all of which are socially constructed. Structuring an entire day of celebration around the realization that you prefer cock to vadge or vice versa is still sort of supporting this sexual binary that we work so hard to "queer." In other words, this shit is complicated and we're a little outdated in our beliefs. Even I, all-knowing, all-seeing, and infinitely wise, am outdated by calling this blog "'mo problems." It should probably just be called "problems," or "rants from a crazy post-lesbian," because everyone has a little 'mo in them.

It's not that I don't appreciate the thought, Powers That Be in Charge of Coming-Out Day. I do. I just think that essentializing these issues only leads to further segregation and discrimination, which only serves to harm the people brave enough to embrace the queer sexuality THAT WE ALL HAVE TO SOME DEGREE.

Whatever, I'm getting cheese fries. 

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