Sunday, November 28, 2010

Glee, you might be too gay even for me.

Hey, betches!

Today, I'm ranting about a once-beloved favorite of mine. It's a little show that goes by the name of Glee . See below for an accurate and aptly annoying visual representation of the show, in case you've had your head up someone's ass for the past 2 years.

Right, it's that show. Oh, they're all SUCH outsiders because they fucking sing. Nevermind that the talent comprising this cast is worthy of an auditorium of grammys, we are to believe that these tools can't even win a regional singing competition. And that's the premise. The glee club can't get no respect. Also they're all fucking each other, and the teacher is supposed to be straight (casting fail). So, yeah.

You know me. You know I like it gay. What I don't like, however, is how this has become the Kurt Hummel show. I'm sure you know the backstory, but if you don't, Kurt just came out to his dad in the first season and has since struggled to fit in at school. Ohmygod what a novel idea! Except, no. But they dealt with it in the first season amongst a plethora of other ill-conceived and ill-executed storylines, and it was just as passable as the rest of the plot. But this season, they're pissing me off.  The folks at Glee have determined that the best way to avoid a sophomore slump is, apparently, to exploit the gay bullying phenomenon to the max. That means Kurt and his sashaying case of gay face are front and center for basically every episode. And Diva Michelle (oops, I mean Lea Michelle) can't be happy about that.

Look. Bottom line? This show would stay at the top if it were about child pornography. It is so clearly not about the plot, but the singing and the guest stars.  So why do we have to exploit this issue in order to get ratings? Jane Lynch could take a shit on her character's famous tracksuit and the show would still get more viewers than a Fox show has any right to have. So let's give the gay a rest, huh? maybe depend on some other type of outcast to get what you want.


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